Install Package Control & SFTP Plugin in Sublime Text 2

ASublimeText2&3pluginthatimportsserverentriesfromFileZillatoSublimeTextasasftp-config.jsonfileforusewiththeexcellentSublimeSFTP ...,GetSFTPPackage.OpenupSublimeandhitcommand+shift+p;Inthewindowthatappears,type'PackageControl:InstallPackage'andhit...。參考影片的文章的如下:


FileZilla SFTP Import

A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin that imports server entries from FileZilla to Sublime Text as a sftp-config.json file for use with the excellent Sublime SFTP ...

How to set up Sublime with sftp to auto

Get SFTP Package. Open up Sublime and hit command + shift + p; In the window that appears, type 'Package Control: Install Package' and hit enter. The window ...

Install | SFTP for Sublime Text

Simple Method · Install Package Control · Open the Sublime Text command palette by pressing ctrl⌘+shift+p , type Install and hit Enter · Type SFTP and hit Enter ...

Raspberry[4] mac 使用Sublime SFTP 資料傳輸與檔案管理

2021年1月21日 — 完成後即可找到Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Control; 跳出視窗後輸入SFTP 即可點選安裝; 接著在電腦開一個資料夾做為之後與pi 板同步的資料 ...


SFTP. Spend less time managing file transfers and more time coding. FTP, FTPS and SFTP support for Sublime Text 2 & 3 that is blazing fast, with smart features ...

Sublime SFTP 設定

2019年4月26日 — Distraction-free reading. No ads. Organize your knowledge with lists and highlights. Tell your story. Find your audience.

Sublime Text3 好用的SFTP套件

2021年12月1日 — ... SFTP套件:. STEP 1. 首先我們要打開Package Control (選單Preferences->Package Control). STEP 2. 選取install package. STEP 3. 搜尋SFTP. STEP 4.安裝 ...

【经验分享】sublime text3 安装、配置sftp插件原创

2021年4月22日 — 一、安装package control. 1、点击菜单Preferences > Browse Packages… 2、然后打开上一级文件夹到已安装的Packages所在文件夹Installed Packages

高雄醫學大學Joomla! 討論網站

輸入package install 進行搜尋,點選比對到的Package Control: Install Package,如下圖。 2014-06-04 134437. 輸入sftp 進行搜尋,點選SFTP 如下圖以繼續安裝。 2014 ...


ASublimeText2&3pluginthatimportsserverentriesfromFileZillatoSublimeTextasasftp-config.jsonfileforusewiththeexcellentSublimeSFTP ...,GetSFTPPackage.OpenupSublimeandhitcommand+shift+p;Inthewindowthatappears,type'PackageControl:InstallPackage'andhitenter.Thewindow ...,SimpleMethod·InstallPackageControl·OpentheSublimeTextcommandpalettebypressingctrl⌘+shift+p,typeInstallandhitEnter·TypeSFTPandh...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
